Friday, August 27, 2010

How does God feel about the poor?

As I was doing my daily Bible study for today I came across a part that stood out to me - "Thou, O God, hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor." (Psalm 68:10b)  It made me ponder the question of how God feels about those who are less fortunate.

I have thought about this often.  I, myself, am not rich monetarily.  I have never aspired to be rich, even as a child my only desire was to have a family and have my basic necessities met.  But what does God have to say about the issue....

Jesus said, "For ye have the poor with you always...."  (John 12:8)  It was said matter-of-factly.  He goes on to say, "and whensoever ye will ye may do them good."  Does this mean God prefers the poor?

The poor people I know vary... some are unwise with money, and some just can't help being poor.  But there is a stigma that comes with it.

I believe it is the duty of the one who has more to help the less fortunate.  What does that mean?  Should it be government-mandated?  This I don't know.

In life there seems to be more questions than answers.  But on this issue I want to share that God does have compassion on the poor and I think we should too.  I don't think those who squander their resources should be rewarded.  But who among us is perfect?...

God is so merciful, and for that we all should be thankful.  :-)

"A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows....
God setteth the solitary in families.  He bringeth out those which are bound with chains....
Thou, O God, hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor.
Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men.
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits....
Blessed be God!"
(Psalm 68: 5a, 6a, 10b, 18a, 19a, 35c)

A look forward and back

I've had some really wonderful times in my life.  Some times I think I may not experience such things again.  Maybe I'm a little down right now... I'm trying to think of the things to look forward to.  Sometimes you have to make your own happy moments.

I get so tired sometimes, and really struggle to keep things together.  In those times I remember the rest that is promised to God's people.  I wonder when it will come....

My kids already tell me what they want to be when they grow up.  Just today it changed to Winnie saying she wants to be a dog groomer and Leighanna said she wants to work at a fair!  "A carnie!,"  I thought to myself.  I do think about their futures - what they will do, where they will go, who they may marry.  None of these things are under my control, but I can dream.

I told them today that they may grow up with some of the kids in their class, and may even marry one of the boys, lol!  The looks on their faces were priceless!  Right now they call boys "monsters"! 

I really want to be happy, but happiness is fleeting.  Having hope and joy in Christ is all that is worthwhile.

I'm trying to lose weight again.  It's such a long, involved process.  Sometimes it seems unfair to have to struggle so hard with weight.  People think you're ugly, lazy, less than human, and sometimes you feel that way about yourself.  It's definitely "stinking-thinking" and isn't encouraging to say the least.

So I'm still working on my "happily ever after".  I'm very thankful for what I have.  When I get tired of cleaning my floors I think of those who have no floors or dirt floors.  When it bothers me how overweight I am I can think of those who don't know when their next meal will be.  I suppose happiness is less circumstantial but perspective.  Let's hope.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am "taking pen in hand" to write.  Why?  I'm not better than anyone else, but because I like to write - it's cathartic - and because maybe I have something useful to say.

Speaking doesn't come easy to me - I've been labeled as "painfully shy" in the past.  But if you give me a pen and paper I've always been able to fill it up!

So what's going on with me/us right now?  My kids just started preschool.  It's a very exciting time right now, and scary at the same time.  I suppose everything that brings excitement has an element of fear.  It makes me think of the girls' first day of school.  As I was getting them ready they were nervously giggling... I myself have always done the same thing when I get nervous.  LOL.

I'm so proud of my children.  I am astonished at the things they do.  (I think every parent is.)  I look at them and can't believe they're "mine".

I wish I had the ability to send my children to a private, Christian school.  I know the training I received there still guides me to this day.  I pray that instead of being wrongfully influenced by the system there they will be a light to those around them.  I don't want my children to be preachy and judgmental, but to live honestly, peacefully, and kindly to EVERYONE.  I know that love wins more people to Christ than condemnation.

I've never been more aware of God being taken out of schools than now when my girls have started public school.  I mentioned to their teachers that another kid in their class goes to church with us.  The looks I got!  It was almost as if I had cursed!  To think that speaking of church in school is taboo is almost too difficult to understand.  But I digress....

The girls have almost finished their first full week of school and all is well.  I now have more time to do things I enjoy - including things like starting a blog. :-)