We are living in the last days. I know we have heard this over and over again, to the point that many don't take it seriously. In reference to the coming of the Lord we are cautioned to remember Lot's wife.
Lot lived in the land of Sodom. Sodom looked appealing but ended up being an ungodly place, characterized by homosexuality. Lot and his family were instructed to leave, but his wife looked back, and ultimately ended up destroyed. What does Sodom remind you of?...
America was once a thriving, godly land that is now characterized by all kinds of ungodliness. God continues to bless America because of the remnant of His people and for those who pray as Abraham did for Lot and his family. Abraham prayed, "Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25)
These days other countries are sending missionaries to America and praying for America's salvation or revival. I pray that we are apart of the coming move of God....
When I was growing up I would hear stories of how it was in my parents' day, of how the fire of God came and consumed the house of God. People were changed, healed, delivered. Even as a child things were different than they are now -- people would seek the Holy Spirit and be filled; there would be dancing and no one would want to leave after service.
But now are we so used to living among and around ungodly people that we don't really want things to change? When God is moving us more towards Him and what He wants for us to do are we willing to sever our ties with our ungodly, unfruitful ways? Are we making a difference or simply surviving?
It's time to enter our prayer closet, be immersed in His Word, and live out our faith everyday. It's not time to shrink back and give in to the culture around us. It's time to stand up for what's right, in love.